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As we are all coming to terms with our new normalcy, dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, it is easy to become focused on day-to-day survival: staying healthy, communicating remotely with family and friends, securing essential provisions (food, medicine, antiseptics, and even toilet paper).   We are all concerned and want to survive these difficult times. 

It is a blessing that we are able to come together on Sunday to worship and listen to a timely sermon from Pastor Smith, but we have hopes that at some point, we will be able to once again fellowship and worship together in person.   For that hope to become reality, our church also needs to survive the present difficulties.  

Just as we need to continue to pay our bills, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church does as well.  Most of you may know that our church office remains open three days a week.  Salaries still need to be paid.   Utilities still need to be paid.   The grounds still need care.   Some cost reductions have been made, but money still needs to come in, for the church to meet its obligations.   Our contributions are needed. 

While it is true that we are no longer under the Old Testament law that required tithing, when we choose to give of our own free will, “it unlocks something in the spiritual realm” that brings additional blessings.   As Luke 6:38 says:  “Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

And when we stop tithing in order to save money, we stop trusting in God to provide and start trusting in ourselves.  If we truly believe that God can (and will) provide for all our needs, then we continue to trust Him even through our struggles.   Tithing keeps our focus and trust on God and not on ourselves.   

We are a community of Brothers and Sisters in Christ and during these times of struggle and concern, we must continue to support each other, our pastors and our church.  

2 Corinthians 9:7:  “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”


In His Service,

Rick Range


Congregational President, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 


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On the corner of Sanderson & Menlo

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